A Fedoskino master of the highest grade, and a 1978 graduate of the renowned Fedoskino college of miniature art, Natalia V. Leonova works with the Fedoskino Miniature Art Studios to create her outstanding lacquer art.
Her work has won many accolades, including several awards in the All-Union Exhibition, and is exhibited in the Moscow's Museum of Applied and Decorative Arts. On President Gorbachev's visit to the United States, her masterpiece "Troikas" was presented to then U.S. President and Mrs. Reagan's visit to Moscow, they were presented with a decorative lacquer chest created by Madame Leonova.
The Fedoskino master lives with her teenage daughter in the village of Rogachovo, not far from Fedoskino. She enjoys active sports, including horseback riding and motor-cycling. Her love of the countryside around her home village is reflected in the lush vistas depicted in "A Celebration of Friendship"